Weil ich immer noch unglaublich lachen muss, wenn ich den Bericht von Grace (Leiterin) über das ganze Thema betreffend koreanischen Namen lese, kopiere ich das jetzt hierhin für alle, die Englisch können. So als kleine Präsentation der Bhong Sisters...
Soo Jin Bang and Soo Kyoung Bang. The Bang Sisters. They are about the funniest thing since sliced bread... which is really pretty funny if you think about it.
Bang is pronounced more like "bphong". If you say "bang" they'll tell you that they love peace.
Bang is pronounced more like "bphong". If you say "bang" they'll tell you that they love peace.
They're amazing. They laugh at everything I say for no reason. Sometimes I'll stay up hours and hours after I should... just talking to them. They call me "Charisma girl". Their English isn't the best... but man they're funny.
I use my Korean name that Yun Jung gave me last year with all the Koreans on the base. They all call me 'Jin Ju'. I like that a lot. Well... Tanner and Nathan, two of our students, got jealous that I have a Korean name. Sooo... one night they asked the Bang sisters for Korean names of their own.
They're amazing. They laugh at everything I say for no reason. Sometimes I'll stay up hours and hours after I should... just talking to them. They call me "Charisma girl". Their English isn't the best... but man they're funny.
I use my Korean name that Yun Jung gave me last year with all the Koreans on the base. They all call me 'Jin Ju'. I like that a lot. Well... Tanner and Nathan, two of our students, got jealous that I have a Korean name. Sooo... one night they asked the Bang sisters for Korean names of their own.
Tanner got some name I can't pronounce, much less spell, and immediately asked what it meant. They told him it meant 'Very Handsome Man'. Needless to say, he was ecstatic. Nathan got a name that sounds kinda like "Doh Doh Gee". They tell him it means 'Clever one'. But... after a few minutes of trying, he still couldn't pronounce it right... so they took his name away and gave him one that means something very normal and boring. Then after a few minutes they told Tanner they would change his name to "Chel Su". He said he was pretty happy with the name he had and that they didn't have to change it... but they insisted. When he asked what that meant... they told him that it's like the name 'John' in English. He's still wondering how he went from 'Very handsome man' to 'John'. It's a bit of a sore subject.
Tanner got some name I can't pronounce, much less spell, and immediately asked what it meant. They told him it meant 'Very Handsome Man'. Needless to say, he was ecstatic. Nathan got a name that sounds kinda like "Doh Doh Gee". They tell him it means 'Clever one'. But... after a few minutes of trying, he still couldn't pronounce it right... so they took his name away and gave him one that means something very normal and boring. Then after a few minutes they told Tanner they would change his name to "Chel Su". He said he was pretty happy with the name he had and that they didn't have to change it... but they insisted. When he asked what that meant... they told him that it's like the name 'John' in English. He's still wondering how he went from 'Very handsome man' to 'John'. It's a bit of a sore subject.
Tja, jetzt sind die Bhang-Sisters aber auch schon weiter geflogen... und uns bleiben nur die koreanischen Namen und andere lustigen Erinnerungen. ;)
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