Sonntag, August 20, 2006

Kreuzfahrt um Skandinavien

Bilder, die für sich selbst sprechen...
(die Kommentare sind in Englisch, weil die gleiche Slideshow auch an meine dts Freunde geht. Und das blonde, hübsche Girl auf manchen Fotos heisst Elin und war mit mir in Uganda!! Wiedersehen nach 1 Jahr, 4 Monaten und 12 Tagen!)

6 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Nice Photos and nice Blog :). BTW i think i saw you in Athens in 2004, i'm not sure but you look familiar to me.. anyway it was long time ago

Michèle hat gesagt…

iura? WHO are YOU?!
what the stuff... how did you find my page? how come you recognize my face? ... I was in Athens, 2004... I don't remember your name, though. Where are you from?

... well in case you check this page again, don't forget to answer, okay?! :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Don't worry, you don't know me. I was in team of Moldova, and as far as i know, our teams never interacted except when you gave us some candies at your teammate's birthday... And i remembered your face very well because you looked similar to one of my classmates. That's for the 2004 part..

Now how I found your page.. just pure luck. I was just looking at random blogs, and your blog interested me because you are Swiss, and I have developed an interest into Switzerland recently (this is mainly due to some books Volodimir Serbinenko gave me at IMO 2006, do you know him?)

I must say i got really excited by your blog, because it seemed so bright and joyful to me. I mean it's very positive. And yes, it's pretty interesting too.. I liked that you went to Africa to help poor kids, this is a thing i respect very much and i would also like to do something similar, although it's not possible.. Actually i believe helping people is the most noble work. The blog is full of lively and good emotions, so you produced a good impression on me as a person. (I'm not really good at compliments, though..) However it took me quite a lot to realize that you were the same person i saw a few times in Athens because your profile picture is sort of unusual :)

You also happen to be the only person of ones that i met(except priests) whom really loves God and prays, and this is very nice, especially that you are from the intellectual and young part of the society.

So i think you're doing a good job, keep it up and publish some more interesting stuff on your blog!

Michèle hat gesagt…

iura, you don't happen to have a blog yourself, do you?
or an email, or some other sort of contact info?

Of course I know Volodimir! :) He's the teammate whose birthday we celebrated.. and I'm still talking of that event and how much fun it was: His face when the most random people came up to him and wished him all the best – priceless. :)

Hey, and thank you very much for all your compliments. I wonder how you discovered all that, given that I wrote the vast majority in German.. you're brilliant though 'cause your conclusions are all true. I was in Uganda for three months, and I hope I could change some lives for the better, (and hope I still do the same here in Switzerland :) ) and now I'm studying mathematics.
And, most of all, yes, I do LOVE God with all my heart. He makes me excited and joyful, and I could go on and on about him – but basically, he's the best. I wouldn't be myself without him, so praise him for that. He is making me positive. :) :)

oh.. and I took that profile pic after having my left wisdom tooth removed, that's why the cheek is so big (and well, I love to make faces :) ).

so I sure hope to read from you again.. and it'd be cool if you gave me your email or internet address!

Andhrimnir hat gesagt…

Hej Michèle,
chasch Du iergend öpis empfehle wo Du bsuecht häsch in Skandinavie?! Ben mr drumm grad am überlegge obs sechs lohnt i däre Jahresziit det ue zgah... Odr känsch öper wo ou interesse hätti etz det ue zreise?!

naja, mol luege :-P
ond susch gohts guet?! häsch wieder guet agfange im Studium?

lg Simeon

Anonym hat gesagt…

Sorry to answer so late. I didn't see your post (strange enough because i have entered a few times but i didn't see it). I do not have a blog, because to create one you need to have something to say to the world, and nothing comes up into my mind except something i would become ashamed of and want to delete it after three days ;) I have an e-mail, though: i*u*r*i*e.b*o*r*e*i*c* (no stars).

I see you study mathematics. That contradicts the usual stereotype about mathematicians as being cold and indifferent. Do you plan to become a mathematician later or have some other occupation?

OK, hope to read some news from you soon.